“A well-executed internal investigation can end a government probe.”
We pride ourselves in conducting sensitive and discreet internal investigations, both within U.S. borders and in foreign jurisdictions. We understand how to protect all aspects of the investigation, including later discoverability of work product. We are sensitive to the disruption an internal investigation can cause to business operations and the need to have a well-executed and budgeted plan of action. We understand the collateral consequences that directed and voluntary disclosures can have on a company and strategically assist clients in the preparation and filing of disclosures, focusing on defending against exclusion, suspension, or debarment proceedings.
As part of any internal investigation, we have a keen eye for compliance issues that can expose a company to civil and criminal liability and significant monetary damages and penalties. We work with clients to draft and implement compliance programs to mitigate exposure and demonstrate the client’s efforts to comply with the regulatory scheme governing business operations. We also assist in providing compliance training directly to management and line employees.
At ANDRUES/PODBERESKY, we have the resources to handle large document reviews, electronic data analyses, and internal interviews, and we work with our clients to identify cost-effective measures to conduct the internal investigation and document management. We have represented companies, management personnel, present and former employees, and acted as pool counsel.