On March 24, 2017, Mary Carter Andrues, was honored at the Loyola Law School’s Fidler Institute on Criminal Justice with the “Special Award for Commitment to Justice.” The award highlighted her pro bono efforts in leading a team of lawyers at her prior firm, Arent Fox LLP, representing Film @ Eleven to defeat attempts by the United Nations Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals to keep the documentary film “The Uncondemned” from being released. “The Uncondemned” featured three women who testified at the Rwandan War Crimes Tribunal, which resulted in the first successful prosecution of rape in the time of war. Relying on an earlier protective order, the MICT tried to stop the release of the film, however, Mary and her team convinced the court that the plain language of the protective order contained no prohibition that would limit the victims from self-identifying and release of the film. The film was successfully released and has screened world-wide.